
The New Orphanage

The New Orphanage

Elupay Yati Kamaŋ [Jola for “the House of Love”] is the name of the ARM-Senegal orphanage. It was opened in 2009, close to Roger and Rachel Sambou’s home in Bourofaye, a village close to Ziguinchor. It has long been the vision of Roger and Rachel as an important part of our ministry. While Senegal does not suffer from the warfare and starvation of many parts of Africa, it is common for children to lose one or both parents, or be abandoned – or even given away because the parents simply cannot cope with another child due to poverty. God’s provision as the first building was gradually constructed was truly miraculous: until 2010, no specific gifts for the Orphanage were received, but at each stage of construction, there was enough money.

But we were overtaken by events; Elupay Yati Kamaŋ was so damaged by termites that the only solution was to construct a new house nearby. This has been built in concrete to avoid the termite problem and includes up-to-date plumbing and electrics, separate accommodation for boys and girls and apartments for houseparents and visitors. It became ready for occupation in February 2016 and the first stage (ground floor) can accommodate 34 children, although at present we have 14. Elupay Yati Kamaŋ is designed so that two further floors can be added, plus a dining and kitchen area.

Now we have a beautiful home under the loving charge of a team of local workers supervised by Rachel and Pastor André Tayé and his wife Michel. The vision is to develop Elupay Yati Kamaŋ gradually.

We praise God for the wonderful way that our financial needs have been met and trust Him to provide at each future stage.

Child sponsorship

We have started a child sponsorship scheme; part of the money given will help with the general running of Elupay Yati Kamaŋ and part applied directly to the education and other specific needs of your child. We suggest at least £25 per month. We always welcome personal visits from sponsors. For more details contact Rachel Sambou or any of the Trustees.
